Definitions of Story Codes

And Fanfiction Jargon

The story codes used for the stories at this website are fairly universal and were not invented by me, simply observed at numerous other sites from time to time and aside from being used at all of these different sites they, for the most part, make sense implicitly and therefore their definition can usually be derived without any outside knowledge, despite this here is a list (though not exhaustive) of the abbreviations and codes to be used at this site:

[Angst]     Usually when you think of this term just picture Zelgadiss brooding over his lack of a cure, over and over and over again.

[Beast]     Involves some non-humanoid character.  Being that Slayers takes place in a fantasy setting there are plenty of best like characters that could make their appearance, out of the series itself Dilgear (The Wolf/Troll) mix comes to mind most of all, although dragons could technically be considered beast, especially if they were lacking human form.

[Blood]     An all purpose warning that there is some blood loss ahead.  Doesn't say anything about the quantity though, could be a general warning over something minor or could be a harbinger of disaster, look for modifying keys like [Violence] to accompany it to give you a better direction of where this ambiguous blood could be coming from.

[Char Death]  One of our main characters is going to die.

[D/S]     Indicates that one relationship in the fanfic involves a dominate individual and a submissive individual.

[Dark]  These fanfics usually don't leave the reader in a happy mood.  

[Fist]     A whole fist is inserted into an orifice, usually not the mouth.

[Group]  Four or more people involved in a single sex scene.

[Hentai / Lemon / Adults Only]  These descriptives apply to all the material here and hence do not appear in story descriptions.  Although I have used these terms interchangeably in the past on this site I will, for the most part, use the term hentai exclusively.

[Humor]     Usually reserved for fanfics that nearly overkill on absurdity and strangeness in a fanfic, often putting the sex and such in a backseat position.

[Incomplete]     This fanfic hasn't been worked on in quite some time, usually a few years, what you see is what you get and don't expect an update anytime for these fanfics, compare to [WIP]

[Language]       Not what you would normally think.  The language story code merely means that the story is in a language other then English, usually designated in the description of the story.

[Lime]       This work is highly suggestive but may not contain the entirety of the sex scene though it has to be somewhat explicit in order to warrant inclusion here including but not limited to extensive foreplay, or scenes leading up to and implying sex.  The warning is directed to those who are looking forward to extensive penetration in their fanfiction.

[Multi]       Threesomes, foursomes, and beyond! 

[NC]     Indicates a non-consensual sex act.  This term carries less connotation then it then [Rape] which signifies the individual being raped is actively trying or did try to fight or avoid the situation whereas non-consensual might mean that the person involved in the non-consensual sex act might be knocked out or asleep.

[OC]     Original Character present in fanfic, if it is necessary to define this then they likely have more then just a passive role.

[Rape]     A sex act undeniably against one of the participants will, forced usually through violence or on occasion blackmail.

[Scat]     Any time there is fecal matter involved you will get a scat warning.  Again, like with [Blood], there is no indication as to how far the act will go in the story.

[Side]     This indicates that the hentai bit up on this site is just a side story or off-shoot of a larger non-adult work.  If available a link to the main story will be in the upper-most part of the fanfic as it is hosted here.

[Snuff]     An individual is intentionally killed usually for the enjoyment of another, think Xelloss.

[Solo]     A character in the story touches themselves in an impure manner, in order to obtain this designation it has to be more then just mentioned.

[Straight]     Boy x Girl, isn't that enough?

[Torture]     I think the title speaks for itself.  Could be mental torture but usually reserved for actual physical torture.

[Underage]     One of the characters has been specifically identified by the author as being under aged, usually 16 or less.

[Violence]     As the warning suggests.  Violent acts are afoot, and not the usual 'Lina throws a fireball into a crowd of bandits and runs over their burned bodies.' Violent, more like a in depth description of someone's face being smashed in with a sword hilt violence.

[WAFF]     A mainstay of the internet, the acronym standing for "Warm and Fuzzy Feeling" fanfics containing this label might seem to drag on to some because they go more toward romance, and as the acronym states, 'warm and fuzzy feelings'.

[Watersports]     Urine, in some way shape or form makes an appearance.  However it doesn't stop there, it must either be A) Consumed or B) End up on a individuals body.

[WIP]     This fanfic is incomplete but the Author is still working on it and an update may be forthcoming some day.

[Yaoi]    Guy x Guy.  This shows a sexual relationship (could be non-sexual but you'll only get this as a warning if it is sexual) between two guys.

[Yuri]     Also designated Girl x Girl, and in lighter situations Shojo-Ai.  This shows a sexual relationship (could be non-sexual but you'll only get this as a warning if it is sexual) between two girls.